Translation above: To be big is the greatest desire of every person, to have an incomparable love and to always strive and grow to be the great man and woman that they carry within them. To be big is to always have a big heart.
Today’s metal stamping class focused on packaging and helping the women come up with ideas for displaying their products. We began by looking at a few packing examples and then moved on to the design portion of the day. I printed a mini-font list that I gave each group, explaining that they would have to pick out the fonts that they wanted, as well as draw out (with measurements) a card to accompany their products. This card will include the brief story they wrote on Friday to explain the meaning behind their product. As expected, the design process took quite a bit of time, as the groups mulled over the size, shape, and layout of their cards.

Translation: We hope that in each of our hearts are peace and love, despite whatever hardships we may find.
After the women finished designing their cards, they moved onto to producing their 15 identical pieces. It was really fun to watch the women work together and figure out what every person’s role would be. All the groups designated one women to stamp, another to measure, and another to prepare the stamps so they would be lined up and facing the right direction. I was really impressed by how seamlessly the women worked together in producing their products!

Translation: Rikchari means to “awaken” and is a word full of life and hope, to encourage you to continue to live each day with courage, and to never give up until the last breath of our lives. This product is handmade by women convicts Ayacucho Peru, who live every day with the hope of seeing a new dawn with joy. By buying this product we feel proud of your choice and keep fighting to see a new dawn.
Overall, the women got very far on stamping their 15 pieces and tomorrow most will have time to begin the assembly of their pieces. After the class today I spent some time creating a digital replica of the card designs made by the women (the photos you are seeing in this post). My hope is to have a sample of each printed on Wednesday so the women can see what their entire product, from design to packaging, will look like on Thursday, which will be our last day together.
In other news, I pinched my finger in the big metal door at the prison and it looks pretty terrible (it looks a lot worst than it hurts). The women were very concerned about me
and every time I went to pick at or touch it they shooed my hands away in irritation, telling me to leave it alone. I have to say, some days it feels good to be cared for, and today was one of those day!