My first day in the prison was a moderate success. The least exciting part was trying to present my papers to the prison director who was not there today. Instead, I left my Education Plan with his secretary in exchange for a stamp that confirms the papers were received. In theory I should have my authorization papers tomorrow, but it is likely I won’t receive them by the end of the week.

Fortunately, not having paperwork had no bearing on me visiting the women! Ruraq Maki has been accepted to the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, a 3-day market dedicated to preserving and celebrating traditional crafts from around the world. We will be selling embroidered products from the prison, including tote bags, cosmetic cases, and entire mantas. Over 20,000 visitors attend the market and the event will be a wonderful opportunity to display  (and sell) the work of the women.

One of the best parts of our acceptance is that it means a big order for the women in the prison. Not only will we be working with the women in our programs, we will also be extending our order outside our programs as we will be purchasing manta from many women in the prison. Due to the size of the order, I spent most of the day talking about order logistics.

A light blue manta with 4 rows of curros and Ayacuchan style embroidery

A light blue manta with 4 rows of curros and Ayacuchan style embroidery

Most notably, I received a crash course in manta. Apparently there are more types of manta than I can count. First, you choose from two types of weave, a thicker weave and a thinner weave. Next, you choose the number of curros, woven figures, on the manta. The number can range from zero rows (simple) to 9 (the most expensive).

Next, you chose from two embroidery styles- embroidery from Ayacucho or from Huanta. Finally you select your color. Mantas come in white (traditional), black, pure black, light blue, dark blue, grey, and brown. With so many choices, the options are endless, and I spent a good chunk of time trying to arrange an order that would encompass a wide range of styles and price ranges for the fair.

In the coming week, women will sign up for which mantas they wish to produce and will have until mid-March to complete the order. Ruraq Maki pays fair trade prices for the manta, so the women will be earning more than 5 times as much for the manta as they do in their local market.

In addition to the whole mantas, we are also ordering bags and cosmetic cases, which will result in even more embroidery work. This will be the biggest order we have ever placed with the women. We are so thrilled to offer this opportunity to the women!

After working out the order logistics, I spent the rest of the day chatting with the women about the metal stamping class and the day to day activities in the prison. Tomorrow I return to do more order coordination and *fingers crossed* start the metal stamping class!

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

One of the things that always moves me deeply while in South America is how much the women give, both to myself and each other. In Peru, on the last day of my trip, the women make me a meal. They pool their money together, divvy up the tasks, and take turns tending to the fire. They regale me with a mountainous meal, usually a pork dish, as they know it is my favorite.

In Bolivia, when we spend the day in the countryside, the women each bring food to contribute to the communal lunch. Some women bring more, while others brings less, yet each woman shares what she can in spirit of community. There is no tallying, no comparison, simply an acceptance of what each can give.

One of the most common comments people make when I discuss Ruraq Maki is, “Wow. It must be really hard to do that work.” And I always reply, “Not really.” Despite the challenges the women face, deeply etched into the landscapes of their lives, there is a thread, a golden spool deep inside each of them, that weaves joy through their lives. I often wondered how the women can have such a resolute happiness and, now, I see it is because they give. To their children and families, to each other, to their communities, and to the world, by preserving their indigenous culture.

I sat down prepared to write this GivingTuesday post in a way that focused on the accomplishments and successes of the organization, but instead I decided to focus on the women. On how, despite receiving so little, they are still able to give so much. On how giving does not drain them, it empowers them. And on how we might give back to them.

Today, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution so that Ruraq Maki can continue to give the women free education workshops and employment opportunities. Our goal is to raise $5,000 by the end of the year to support our 2016 programs which will include a sewing class for the women in Bolivia and an more in-depth entrepreneurial course for the women in Peru.

You make our programs happen!

There are several ways to give:

  • Online: Donate today and PayPal will match 1% of your donation and there are no service fees for Ruraq Maki
  • Via Mail: Please send checks to: 41 Leese Street #2, San Francisco, CA 94110
  • Employer Matching: Double your giving with an employer match. Ruraq Maki is a 501(c)3 non profit and, in most cases, qualifies for matching programs.


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I joined Ruraq Maki’s Board last year because I was looking for a growing nonprofit working on improving women’s rights. As a woman, especially as a white privileged woman, I always felt the need to give back to others who did not get the same opportunities. Meeting Amanda convinced me that Ruraq Maki was the organization I wanted to support because she identified real needs in both Bolivia and Peru and I want to help her grow the programs she started. The women ask about when she’s coming back months in advance because they know how much of an impact the programs make on their lives.

To me, Ruraq Maki offers isolated women a real chance at economic independence by organizing workshops that not only train and help them build a full skill set, but also because we believe in their abilities and they start to do the same.

For example, in last summer’s business development workshop the new instructors said the incarcerated women were amongst the brightest that had attend their workshop. Amanda said that the instructor, “Spoke about financial accounting and demonstrated an easy, yet effective way, to keep track of earnings, spending and profit (or loss). The women were walked through an example and they got a sense of the way money flows in and out of the business. One of the women was incredible at doing math in her head and she was shouting out sums and products  while the rest of us were still scratching our heads, trying to understand the equation.”

Another thing I especially like is the intergenerational approach of Ruraq Maki. For example, last summer in Independencia we first met with mothers and grandmothers and then had another jewelry class with younger girls. It is great to be able to reach these communities in their entirety. They have different perspectives on life and experience, of course, but all can learn from each other, improving their future as a community.

Finally I want to say I am proud to be part of an organization using fair trade practices as I truly believe this is a big part of the solution towards ending inequality.

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Vrnda joined Ruraq Maki in May 2015. Here she shares her background and why she works with artisans. 

I always had this desire to work in India and on one fine November in 2010, up and moved to work for an organization that provided employment opportunities to women and men in the handicraft sector.   Unbeknownst to me, what was supposed to be a 15 month stint turned into the most beautiful and amazing three years.  While I was there I learned that due to the rise of industrialization in conjunction with a lack of respect and value for crafts, many artisans in India were leaving their passion to pursue work in major cities. They were taking up jobs in construction and transportation causing the identity and the root of the craft to slowly fade.  The newer generation was less interested in learning the craft as they saw their parents struggle to make means and earn respect.

The organization which I worked for aimed to create international market linkages for products made by artisans.  The mission was to create sustainable livelihood and directly connect self-help groups to markets, eliminating middle men and generating more value down the chain.  During my experience, I had the opportunity to interact with many large retailers and slowly began to realize why it was so difficult for artisans to directly work with them.  Retailers are demanding, they do not have the capacity, resources, and man power to work with smaller suppliers who many need training and hand holding.  Furthermore, handmade products have this negative stigma of being of low quality and therefore in-expensive and cheap.  All of this combined creates a barrier preventing artisan made products from seeing the light of day.

I joined Ruraq Maki earlier this year after moving back from India.  I had a yearning to continue the work that I so vehemently loved doing and Ruraq did just that.  It gave me the chance to not only learn about a new culture and art technique but also the opportunity to help create market linkages for women in Peru and Bolivia.  We create employment opportunities so these women can sustain their own livelihood.  At the end of the day this truly makes my heart smile.


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Devin Montalto has been a member of Ruraq Maki’s Board for the past four years and has worked with the organization from its inception. Here she shares her experience with Ruraq Maki.

I am a native San Franciscan with a strong foundation in advocacy work and education. I have been involved with Ruraq Maki since 2009 and joined the board in 2012. I recognize that in my life I have continually had the privilege of access to information and resources as well as creative classes and opportunities. Working with Ruraq Maki I have been able assist others in acquiring access to information based off their own needs and interests.

Because I have been with Ruraq Maki since its inception I have done everything from fundraising planning and implementation to promotion, managing volunteers, acting as oversight and support for the Director and taking care of any bumps in the road along the way. Recently as our board has grown and my role has become more specific I have begun to interview the woman of the Yanamilla Prison in order to asses what their needs are and what type of education and enrichment courses they are interested in. This information will help Ruraq Maki best meet the needs of the women as well as gain access to funding and possible grants.

It is important to me as we work with these populations of women, that we are truly listening and representing them as best we can, that their voices are heard and their stories told. Watching the enjoyment, empowerment and capability that comes from taking classes that fulfill their desires, needs and interests is the main reason that I love the work that I do with Ruraq Maki.

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